Saturday, April 11, 2015

The emotions are winning

I had my little peanut on Friday( more on that later!) and I am so in love,

 but my emotions are all over the place.  I have so much guilt flooding me over Jake.  I feel like his world was rocked and he has no clue what's going on.  I know I will look back on this and laugh at myself, but I need to let it out.  

Jake and I are very close and we have an amazing bond.  I missed him so much while I was in the hospital, but had no worries or stresses because he handled everything perfectly.  Now that I am home and my attention is divided in half, I feel like I don't have the time for him.  He greeted his brother and is very gentle with him, but when Caleb cries, Jake becomes very concerned and is on the edge of tears himself.  I hope he doesn't feel neglected or as if we don't have time for him.  

I really hope these emotions go away quickly because I can't stop crying.  I am so thankful that Dan has all next week off to help and support me.  I will love you forever Jake, no one will ever replace you.

1 comment:

  1. Having a baby makes the hormones go crazy!!! I know it seems like you are ignoring Jake, but really you are not and he knows it. Once things settle down you both will be fine and he will absolutely love his new brother! :)
