Monday, April 6, 2015

Puffy feet and swinging

My ankles and feet have finally swelled up.  

I felt it happen Sunday after sitting down and resting from all the Easter fun.  When I was pregnant with Jake my feet swelled up 2 months before he was due.  This time they puffed up a week before I'm due.  I am so thankful for that because it sucks.  The skin is so tight and socks and shoes make it 10 times worse. 

On a lighter note, my parents have been bugging us to put up the swing so Jake could use it.  We have put it off due to the crappy weather, but today was warm enough, so we hauled it out of the barn and set it up.  Jake absolutely love it. He was laughing and smiling and even got mad when it was time to go in.  This weekend we plan on hooking it up better, right now it's not too stable.

1 comment:

  1. Aww... looks like Jakey had a blast on the swing! Such a fun thing to do! Sorry about your feet - that swelling is soooo painful! Good thing it held off for a lot longer this time!
