Friday, April 3, 2015

Stop growing so quickly

My favorite little man is growing too fast. 

 It seems that every week I notice a change in him.  He's getting taller, his face is more mature, he's too clever, he understands directions like get your coat, he recognizes animals in books, he behaves like a toddler sitting on the couch watching tv, his clothes are getting snug, he knows how to turn the radio when he wants to listen to music. The list is endless.  

The biggest change is his clothes.  His dresser used to be overflowing with clothes.  I had 18 months, 24 months and a couple of 2T outfits, which he was swimming in.  When I dress him in the morning, I take note to see how the clothes are fitting, if they are too snug, I wash them and put them away in a storage bin.

  All the 18 month clothes are gone, and I have a small handful of 24 month left.  There is not enough 2T to get us through the week.

I do have a whole summer wardrobe in 24 months and 2T graciously given by my sister in law!

  But Michigan weather sucks and we still need long pants and sweatshirts.  I tried to find some winter clothes in 2T at several different stores, but all of their winter stuff is GONE!  If this weather doesn't turn soon, my child will be naked or freezing in summer clothes.....

1 comment:

  1. I wish there were more winter clothes to send you! That's crazy to me that MI doesn't have any more winter clothes on sale!!!
