I made my dinner, Dan still wasn't eating, and everything was done and ready to eat. I had just sat down and Jake was standing in front of me crying because he wanted some. He had just eaten his dinner and didn't need to eat mine. He kept crying and grabbing on me, and trying to pull my plate. I finally had enough and lightly pushed him away. This made him cry louder and Dan wasn't doing anything to help.
After about 3 times of this, I took my half eaten dinner to the kitchen, then went to the bedroom and slammed the door. Jake realized I was in there and started crying again because he wanted in. Dan brought Jake in, saw me crying and immediately left. He came back 5 minutes later, saying Jake loves me and just wants to be with me. I told him I was tired of Jake and needed to get away before I went nuts. He put him to bed and I came out to watch a movie. Dan knew I was still borderline crazy so he went to bed also.
Normally I can control my temper and manage Jake, but it pushed me over the edge when Jake was buggingme and Dan just sat there doing nothing. Ah the life of a mother............
Being pregnant with a barely one year old is tough! Don't be too hard on yourself.