Thursday, December 4, 2014

Birthday boy, no longer my baby

My cute little guy is one!!!! For being our first child, he has been so easy.  He had about a month of upset stomachs and the gurgling would keep us all up at night, but once we switched formulas he was a breeze.  Sleeping through the night at 2 months, happy, and content.  I hope my next one is just as easy as he was.

            2 days old

       6 months

        1 years old

Everyone says the first year goes by so quick, and it did but I am so excited and ready for the next stage of his childhood.  I am anxious to hear his first words, to watch him explore his world and learn so much.

I love you Jake so much.  You are such a blessing to our family.  I am so glad you made it easy for us!

1 comment:

  1. Awww... it does go by fast! But the next year will be fun, too! Happy one year, Jakey!
