Thursday, December 11, 2014

Day from hell

Could this day possibly get any worse?  It's 12:00 and I am ready for it to be over.  Jake has been some kind of booger.  He is finding all kinds of ways to get into trouble and push me to my limits.  He goes into his room and pulls out all the wipes from the warmer.
Caught in the act.........

I have pushed them down, put he puts his little hand in the hole and grabs a bunch and walks around the house leaving a trail.  He also got into the food and dumped it all over the kitchen.  He then got ahold of my iPad, dropped it and stepped on it.  Now there is a giant crack in the middle of my screen. Apple no longer repairs them, just gives you a new one, and it's $200.

We came back from running errands and I closed the door too hard and no I can't get it open to get to my car.  I called Dan to ask him what to do and after walking me through some steps, it still won't open.  So now he's on his way home to let me out.  I have to take my car to the dealership to get a recall fixed.

I just want to curl up in bed and not come out until the day is over.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you had a rough day! I hope it got better as it went along and that you were able to fix your door problem. :(
