Wednesday, December 31, 2014

A new year..........

I love New Years Eve!!!  I always have such a great time pigging out, playing board games and watching the ball drop if I make it til 12:00.  This year was much different now that Jake is older.

(This is all Jake wants to do at grandmas, ride his train, which is fine with me because he's not getting into trouble)!

 We had our usual feast.  Ribs, potatoes and snacks galore.
  We then played Life.  In the middle of the game, Jake started to fall asleep so we put him in a pack and play so we could finish our game.  Not 15 minutes later, a neighbor let off a huge firework that rattled the house.  Jake awoke instantly and could not be calmed.  We had to end our game before it was finished and go home.  I didn't even get desert. :(  

I have no resolutions seeing as how I don't stick with them anyway, but I will try to correct my mistakes I made in 2014 and try to be a better wife and mother! Here's to 2015!!

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Happy birthday Mom

Today was my moms birthday and we celebrated in our typical fashion.  We all went to my parents house and chatted while Dan made dinner.  We had Mexican chicken, a recipe I learned from the Avis side.  Basically it's boiled chicken, cream of celery soup, green taco sauce dipped with tortilla chips.  After dinner was presents.  
I think my mom really loved her gifts this year.  She got a calendar made by me and my sister, fairy items for her fairy garden, a purse, candy and a greenhouse.  
Something similar to this.   She was very surprised and I could tell she wanted to put it together right there.  

For desert we had make your own sundae bar.  Ben and Allison provided all the fixings and it was delicious.  We left shortly after that because of Jake like always.  I think that kid is growing again, he slept a lot today.

Happy birthday Mom, hope you enjoyed your day!!!! We sure do love you!


I hope you all had a great Christmas full of love and cheer.  I know mine sure was!  We opened our presents from each other in the morning, and then everyone took a pre Christmas Day fun nap.  Dan got me a purse, wallet, a solar jug with lights in it, to make it look like fireflies, and some little dollar store gifts.  I got Dan snowshoes, hex bugs, Legos, and candy.  Jake got links, and an activity cube.

When we woke up, we went to my parents house and opened gifts there.  Jake make out like a bandit and got too many gifts to name.  All 3 of us got a very good haul.  

We had ham and potatoes for lunch, then had to quickly leave in order to make it to Dans family's Christmas.  I forgot to take pictures there, sorry.

We opened presents and then had a Mexican buffet.  There were fixings for all things Mexican, wraps, chips, beans, dip, cheese, meat, tomatoes, lettuce.... Endless choices.  I know this seems a little different, but it was at the request of my nephew.  After dinner we played with our toys, then left due to Jake being exhausted.  

Christmas is such a great time of year.  I love how we come together and enjoy being with each other.  It seems to take forever to get here, then quickly goes by.  

Monday, December 22, 2014


It's funny how life can change in an instant. Everything will be going great, eveyone is well and happy, and then, BAM..... One little thing sets off a chain reaction and life goes down the pooper.  

We are going through a very hard time as a family.  There is so much stress and pressure it feels like we are drowning.  I have a feeling that things will turn around, but right now life sucks.  

You can tell who truly loves you and cares for you by the help and comfort they provide.  Something as simple as listening or talking everyday has helped me keep a happy outlook on life.  My sister in law is amazing.  Just getting a text from her helps me tremendously.  Thank you Beth, you have no idea how much you mean to me.  My sister will drive an hour to come see Jake and I even though she has a life and stresses of her own.  I love my sister and couldn't have asked for a better one!

Jake is an amazing boy.  He keeps me happy and laughing all day, (except when he does bad things).  I love to watch him play and am amazed at the things he does.  Baby 2 is healthy and very active.  It's a comfort to know he's there and growing.

We will get through this.  It might take 6 months, a year or longer, but we have a great support system and will come out the other side stronger.

Monday, December 15, 2014

First breakdown.......

Yesterday was a very stressful day.  Dan got food poisoning from Arby's and was sick all weekend.  That meant that I had to do everything.  Jake must have picked up on my stress level because he was horrible.  He kept getting into things he shouldn't, hurting himself and crying, but not wanting comfort, and basically passing me off.  

I made my dinner, Dan still wasn't eating, and everything was done and ready to eat.  I had just sat down and Jake was standing in front of me crying because he wanted some.  He had just eaten his dinner and didn't need to eat mine.  He kept crying and grabbing on me, and trying to pull my plate.  I finally had enough and lightly pushed him away.  This made him cry louder and Dan wasn't doing anything to help.  

After about 3 times of this, I took my half eaten dinner to the kitchen, then went to the bedroom and slammed the door.  Jake realized I was in there and started crying again because he wanted in.  Dan brought Jake in, saw me crying and immediately left.  He came back 5 minutes later, saying Jake loves me and just wants to be with me.  I told him I was tired of Jake and needed to get away before I went nuts.  He put him to bed and I came out to watch a movie.  Dan knew I was still borderline crazy so he went to bed also.

Normally I can control my temper and manage Jake, but it pushed me over the edge when Jake was buggingme and Dan just sat there doing nothing.  Ah the life of a mother............

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Day from hell

Could this day possibly get any worse?  It's 12:00 and I am ready for it to be over.  Jake has been some kind of booger.  He is finding all kinds of ways to get into trouble and push me to my limits.  He goes into his room and pulls out all the wipes from the warmer.
Caught in the act.........

I have pushed them down, put he puts his little hand in the hole and grabs a bunch and walks around the house leaving a trail.  He also got into the food and dumped it all over the kitchen.  He then got ahold of my iPad, dropped it and stepped on it.  Now there is a giant crack in the middle of my screen. Apple no longer repairs them, just gives you a new one, and it's $200.

We came back from running errands and I closed the door too hard and no I can't get it open to get to my car.  I called Dan to ask him what to do and after walking me through some steps, it still won't open.  So now he's on his way home to let me out.  I have to take my car to the dealership to get a recall fixed.

I just want to curl up in bed and not come out until the day is over.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Big news

That's right! We are expecting a baby in April.  And of course it's another boy!! Good thing I have everything I need.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Jakes birthday weekend

Jakes first birthday was epic! We celebrated all weekend.  Friday he got his presents from his Aunt Beth and Uncle Ben, (a beautiful cross-stitch which I can't wait to put up), 

Aunt Lissa and Uncle Andy, (monster pjs and a toy),  Dan and I (books and a toy), then had pizza for dinner.  Saturday Dans parents came over for meatloaf dinner and black bottom cupcakes.  Jake received a cute onesie outfit and a pull phone.  

Sunday we went over to my parents for lunch and more presents.  We had sliders and fries, then had Jake opened all his gifts.  He got lots of clothes, books, toys, and a rocker.

After presents, we had cake.  Jake loved squishing the cake between his fingers and then stuffing his face with it.

I hope Jake enjoyed his birthday.  Thanks to everyone who helped him celebrate his special day.  As new-ish parents we appreciate everything that our family has done for him.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Birthday boy, no longer my baby

My cute little guy is one!!!! For being our first child, he has been so easy.  He had about a month of upset stomachs and the gurgling would keep us all up at night, but once we switched formulas he was a breeze.  Sleeping through the night at 2 months, happy, and content.  I hope my next one is just as easy as he was.

            2 days old

       6 months

        1 years old

Everyone says the first year goes by so quick, and it did but I am so excited and ready for the next stage of his childhood.  I am anxious to hear his first words, to watch him explore his world and learn so much.

I love you Jake so much.  You are such a blessing to our family.  I am so glad you made it easy for us!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Library fun

I finally got my library card!!!!!  

 I have waited for so long to be able to browse and borrow books.  Now that we moved into the new house, the library is under 5 minutes away.  I plan to go all the time, instead of paying for books through my kindle.  The library even has kid programs, which I plan on taking Jake to.  I really hope he loves reading as much as I do.  

My stack of books ( didn't know how many I could finish in 3 weeks, seems kind of sad)

Happy (late) Thanksgiving

We celebrated the day in our typical fashion.  Rushing and stressing.  We were all up early, excited to eat tons of great food, but then Dan and Jake both crashed 2 hours later.  We didn't leave our house until 11.  We arrived at my parents and watched Jake ride his new train.  He loved it and just sat on it going around and around.  Didn't get a picture though.  By the time the battery ran out, lunch was ready.  Jake loved his first Thanksgiving meal.  He really enjoyed the variety of foods.  

After stuffing our faces, we relaxed for a bit, then headed to the inlaws for dinner.  Jake had the opportunity to play with his cousins, which he loved.  We ate again, then chatted with family until Jake and I crashed.  It was a busy crazy day, but it made me appreciate my family and my little guy.

I have so much to be thankful for, I couldn't possibly write it all.  I hope you had a great Thanksgiving!