Sunday we went to my inlaws for dinner. We ended up going over at 2:30 and staying until 8:30 because Dan wouldn't leave! We didn't do anything fun, but sit around and talk. We did have a delicious dinner of rib roast, asparagus, potatoes, and rolls. It was yummy. We had a jello cake(yellow cake with concentrated jello baked in it) for desert. Jake and I were both exhausted when we finally got home.
Monday was my brothers birthday, so we went to my parents house to celebrate. He opened his presents first and received at $50 gift card from us, a record player from his wife, and a grill from my parents. We ate lunch of hotdogs, chips, and beans, then listened to records for the rest of the afternoon.
I appreciate everything that our soldiers have done and will continue to do for our country. Because of them, we are able to be with family and loved ones, and live my life without fear! There are no words that can describe my gratitude.
Happy Memorial Day, and thank you to all who have been in the military!
Sounds like you guys had a busy weekend! I love those kinds of weekends, but hate them at the same time! ;)