Tuesday, May 6, 2014

He rolled!

Jakey rolled over!! 5 months and a day and my baby finally rolled!!!

He sleeps on his stomach, and last night I checked on him everytime I went potty(which is a lot.  I don't sleep well.) he was still on his stomach.  He woke at 6 and cooed and talked until I went in there at 6:20 and he was on his back staring at me!  I was so happy.  He started laughing and smiling when I praised him(even though he has no idea what I was saying). Of course I missed it and tried to get him to do it again all day to no avail.  Next time I will try my hardest to be there!!

Gooooooooooo Jakeyyyyyyyyyyyyy

1 comment:

  1. Yay for Jakey!!!!!!!!!!!!! One milestone down, 500 million more to go! :)
