Tuesday, May 6, 2014


The lady that I nanny for had her sons I.E.P. today.( he is non verbal) She came home crying, saying that the meeting did not go well.  The school told her that Gavin is not getting better, and is regressing instead.  All he does is walk around with toys in his mouth, she called him a zombie.  She said hewon't be  going to kindergarten because he won't ever be ready.  She was sobbing, and I had no idea how to help her.  I had no idea how to consoul her.  All I could do is sit and be awkward.  It has to be heartbreaking to hear that your son, who you thought was slowly getting better, will never be, and will be totally dependant on you for the rest of your life.  

It doesn't help that her husband is very unsupportive.  He is always in a bad mood, angry, and never home.  He is not good at supporting her when she is down or stressed.  I feel like I am there for that. Someone she can talk to, who will listen.  It hurts my heart to see an amazing mom, hard worker and great friend going through this.  I really hope Gavin does get better.  We never know what the future will be.

1 comment:

  1. That is so sad! I cannot even imagine what she is going through and that is very disappointing that her husband isn't supportive. I am glad you are there for her, and really, that is all a person needs sometimes - someone to listen to them cry and just be there.
