While they went out, I made black bottom cupcakes.
By the time I took this picture half of the cupcakes were already gone because Dan loves them.
We spent the rest of Saturday reading and playing video games.
Sunday morning I went shopping to get some alone time. I had fun browsing a couple of stores, but didn't buy anything. I thought Dan and Jake would have some fun dad and son bonding time, but they both took a nap the whole time I was gone, the stinkers.
For the rest of the afternoon we played video games, read, general house clean up and hung out with Jake!
I like these kinds of weekends, where we are together with no agenda. Plus Jake loves hanging out with Dan and I get a little break! Hope your weekend was as good as mine.
The pictures of Jakey in the snow are adorable! I can honestly say I do not miss that weather at all! Those are my favorite kinds of weekends, too. :)