Monday, September 1, 2014

Reading hiatus

These past couple of weeks I have no drive to read.  I can usually finish 2-3 book per week, but with work being more stressful I haven't even cracked open a book.  I don't have the time to read at work because Gavin's therapy hours have been nonexistent and when I am done with my day I just want to eat dinner and go to bed.  I also haven't read a book that I am hooked on and can't put down.  The last couple of books have been boring and I finish just so I don't waste my money.

I cannot wait to finally move so I can visit the local library which is 5 minutes down the road.  The library at our current house is a half hour away and not worth the drive due to the size of it.  I love the library.  The amount of books, the quietness, the comfort, the crinkling of the covers, no charge, and the ability to checkout many books at once is like heaven to me.  Hopefully once school starts I can get back to reading.

1 comment:

  1. Bummer! Sorry you haven't been able to find a good book to read recently! I'm hoping that changes soon (and that you get to relax more once school starts).
