Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter Sunday

Happy Easter!!!! Our Easter was busy and hectic as usual.  We woke up, packed Jakes stuff up for the day, and went to my parents.  Jake got tons of clothes, fun toys, teethers and some soft books.

We had lunch of ham, cheesy potatoes, rolls and green beans.  We had apple pie and chocolate cream pie for dessert.  After lunch, we all had fun playing and reading to Jake.

Dan and I even got a basket.  Candy, socks, dumb toys, Chapstick, and gum.

Then we came to drop off Lily, cause our inlaws don't really care for Lily in their house, then went to the inlaws.  We had to find Jakes basket which had bibs, an outfit, and a knitted blanket.  

My niece and nephew had an Easter egg hunt, then we had dinner, turkey, ham, rolls, potatoes, asparagus, and green jello.  We had pineapple upside down cake for dessert.  Then we all sat around and talked.  By that time, Jake was done for the night and had a meltdown.  He cried and cried and nothing would soothe him.  We finally left around 7:30 after being away from home since 10 am.

  I always dread holidays.  I hate traveling and trying to make each family happy.  Sometimes I would prefer to stay home and enjoy my holiday, not stress about when we have to leave.  It's even worse now that we have Jake and my family loves to see him.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry holidays are so stressful for you! It can be hard to make everyone happy. I hope you guys are able to find a happy balance soon! And I cannot believe how big Jake is getting!!!!
