Wednesday, August 31, 2016


Today was a very low key day.  We went to church in the morning.  Both boys went to the kids room.  Neither one has done anything like this, been stuck with someone other than me, Dan, or family.  Cal ended up sleeping the whole time he was there and Jake lasted 30 minutes before they paged me to come.  He was hystically crying and refused to go back in.  Thank goodness the church had a play structure for Jake to keep occupied until service was over.

Then we all went to my parents house to hang out.

Finally we came home and relaxed, waiting until we had to pick up Dan.

The drive.  Both boys didn't get a nap.  Dan told me around 2 so the boys would have only slept for a half hour.  They could of had one though because he didn't call me until 4.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016


Today Jenny and Allison came over to hang out with us. We went to the library first for a toy sale.  We got a couple of fun toys, mostly cars and trains. Then we went to a local event which had a bounce house, petting farm, open house for the fire department, and a policemen booth.  The firehouse was definitely the favorite.  Jake loved sitting in the front seat of the fire trucks looking at all the buttons and gauges.

We had lunch then came home for naps, then left again for Ben and Allison's house.  

We hung out there for a bit, then went to the mall to play on the play structures and do some shopping. We didn't get to shopping because there was a train that went around the mall and that's all Jake wanted to do.  He couldn't focus on anything else and threw huge tantrums trying to get to the train.  He was yelling and screaming so much, we had to leave.

 I did splurge and paid for a train ride and a couple of rides on the stationary cars.

We came back to Allison's for pizza and left soon after.  Nobody went to bed until after 9 pm that night, even though bedtime is at 7 pm!

Monday, August 29, 2016

Full filled weekend- Friday

This weekend Dan and his brothers suprised their dad with a 4 day trip Up North for his birthday.  Dan, the boys and I had to pick up his brother Ben at the airport Thursday night and take him and Dan to their parents house.  Because Ben's flight got in at 5:30 pm, the boys and I didn't get home that night until 8:30 pm.  

No one helped me this weekend.  I had to take care of the boys by myself and it was exhausting.  Spending so much time with the boys and having to do every single thing was stressful and tiring.  Single parents are amazing!  I don't know how they care for their kids without a partner.  I would go crazy.

Friday we woke up and went to the playground while waiting for the farm to open.  We went to a farm we haven't been to and that's closer to home. Plus it's $7 cheaper!

The farm was great!  All the animals were up close and easy to touch.  They also had a small children's area with climbers.  Cal loved the animals.  He took his time and looked at each one.  Jake on the other hand, ran around not looking at anything.  I spend most of the time chasing him while dragging poor Cal behind me.  I felt bad that Cal couldn't look at the animals like he wanted to.  Maybe I'll go with just Cal who seemed to appreciate it more.

After the farm we came home for lunch and naps, then spent the afternoon wallking around Target.  It was very hot and humid outside so I though staying indoors was a better option.  We looked at toys and books and picked up a couple of groceries.  When we were done we picked up dinner and spent the evening at home.