Tuesday, July 12, 2016


Since we moved in over a year ago, the neighbors have been fighting to get our road paved.  The road was accidentally paved a few years ago, the city was suppose to pave Post Rd, but paved Post Lane instead.  The city plows it in the winter but doesn't maintain it otherwise.  Over the years it's been slowly deteriorating.  There were huge chunks of the road missing and potholes everywhere.  

We found out that the city would not do anything to the road unless the residents pay for it.  We had a vote to get the road paved, and if more were in favor of a paved road, the cost of it would be put into our taxes.  Obviously it passed or this would be a stupid post.

The crew came out a couple of weeks after it passed and started working. The boys loved watching the various trucks drive past our house.  It took them three days to pave the whole road.

The new road is so smooth.  It makes pushing a stroller so much easier.  All the older kids are out on the road every day rollerblading, biking, or just hanging out.  It's nice to have a paved road.  

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