Thursday, July 28, 2016

Children's museum

The other day the boys and I spent the day with my mom and sister. My mom picked us up in the morning and drove to meet Jenny an hour away where she attends school.  We planned to go to a children's museum but it didn't open until 10.  Since we were early we took the boys to a playground until it was time to leave.  

We got to the museum and quickly realized everything was for older kids.  Jake spent his time running around and not interacting because the displays were too advanced for him.  It had air compressed shooters, a science section about bugs, plants, and water, a light room and a bubble room. Most of the items looked so fun for when the boys are older.  It wasn't until we found the infant/toddler that both boys could enjoy themselves.

The museum has a really cool room that let you play with lights in fun ways.  They had a giant light bright board and the boys really enjoyed it.

After the museum was ate Noodles and Co. for lunch and hung out in Jenny's apartment for a bit.  We left a little later and both boys fell asleep.  We had a fun day!  Jake and Cal did great! They both listened and behaved so well.  Hopefully next week we can go on another fun adventure.

Monday, July 25, 2016


I finally won something!  Let it be known that I never win, ever.  I only won a book, but still, I won!  I am a frequent visitor on a website named It's a great resource for tracking and reviewing books.  They have free giveaways for several books a month so when I saw one for a book I wanted to read, I entered my name.  2 days later they sent me an email saying I won!

I was so excited when the book arrived in the mail!  They even sent me a letter.

Here's the book in all its winning glory.  I just finished and thought it was really good.  I'm glad I won a good book and not a dud.  (Even though I wanted to read it, doesn't mean it's good.  I have read so many duds.)

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Family photos.......again

Last November Dan's side of the family had family photos taken.  We paid to have a photographer come to his parents house and take several pictures of the family.  The sisters felt that it was horriblely  done and had proof when the pictures arrived.  To say the least, we were upset. 

 When Ben and Beth came for a visit over 4th of July weekend, we decided to try it again.  They turned out great!

We took ours first so the boys wouldn't be screaming and ruining pictures later. That failed miserably.  Both boys did great for a half hour.  We got our photos out of the way and they turned out well.

The rest of the time was spent crying.  Jake would not leave my side.  I was the only one allowed to hold him and he refused to sit without me.  He ruined all the rest of the photos.  I'm not posting those pictures because I am still angry that he behaved in that way.  We did manage a nice family one but everything else has at least 1 boy crying.  We took a silly photo and I think my face sums up my feelings.

I am thankful that they behaved for our photos and we can continue on our yearly photo tradition.  I apologize to everyone else who had to witness the meltdowns and having the pictures ruined.

Summer 2014

Summer 2015

Summer 2016

Tuesday, July 12, 2016


Since we moved in over a year ago, the neighbors have been fighting to get our road paved.  The road was accidentally paved a few years ago, the city was suppose to pave Post Rd, but paved Post Lane instead.  The city plows it in the winter but doesn't maintain it otherwise.  Over the years it's been slowly deteriorating.  There were huge chunks of the road missing and potholes everywhere.  

We found out that the city would not do anything to the road unless the residents pay for it.  We had a vote to get the road paved, and if more were in favor of a paved road, the cost of it would be put into our taxes.  Obviously it passed or this would be a stupid post.

The crew came out a couple of weeks after it passed and started working. The boys loved watching the various trucks drive past our house.  It took them three days to pave the whole road.

The new road is so smooth.  It makes pushing a stroller so much easier.  All the older kids are out on the road every day rollerblading, biking, or just hanging out.  It's nice to have a paved road.