Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Play date

This morning Jake and I went on a play date!  I have been asking friends and mom 2 mom boards for ideas on how to get Jake around other kids.  A friend from high school invited us over to play with her son who is the same age as Jake.  They live fairly close so off we went.  

Jake cried and laid down as soon as we got there, but as soon as he saw some trucks and tractors he immediately started playing.  He had no problem interacting with my friend (Lynsie), but stayed away from her son Sam.  They avoided each other at all costs.  By the time we left, though, they were playing side by side, but not with each other.  Hopefully, the more interaction Jake has with other kids, the more he will want to play with them.  

1 comment:

  1. First playdates are rough! I'm sure he will have more fun the more he gets used to it and they older he gets. Good job, mama, setting that up!
