Yesterday when I got out of work at 5, there was a text message from Dan stating we lost power. I frantically called him for the next half hour to see if he wanted me to pick up dinner and to figure out a plan for the night. He wanted to stay home, in the dark and cold and wait it out. I suggested buying a cheap generator for the sole purpose of heating the house. I picked up dinner for Jake then came home so to watch the boys so Dan could leave.
It got dark very quickly. We had to use flashlights to see and there wasn't much else to do.
It took Dan quite a while to get home due to slow drivers and a huge snow storm. He finally got the generator running and the furnace working around 9 pm. I put both kids to sleep and colored by lantern light.
The power did not come back on until 12:30 am so we were able to stay warm enough. I had to work at 5:30 this morning, but received another text at 8 am saying the power was back out. I am now home and the power is on. I better stay on or I am going to freak out.