The first couple of days he had lots of accidents and cried every time he sat on the potty (my parents bought us a child seat for Christmas).
We went through lots of underwear and pants. I read that when potty training do not use diapers because they will not feel the sensation of pee on them and will never be uncomfortable. Plus they learn to rely on the diaper instead of trying to pee. By the third day we was starting to pee on the potty! By the 4th day, he only had 1 accident. By the 5th day, he was telling us when he had to go. By day 6 it was like he has been peeing on the potty for months!
Look at these cute buns!
I cannot even began to express how proud I am of him. I have heard horror stories of potty training and figured it would take weeks to fully train him. He's also very young and many children don't start training until 3. It's has now been 2 weeks and he hasn't had any accidents. He may not talk yet, but he is one smart little boy and grasps and learns new thi gs very quickly.
Yay for Jakey!!!! That is awesome that he is doing so well, so quickly! :)