After he told me this bad news, I started applying for jobs. I figured I wouldn't get hired anywhere due to nannying for years, then being a stay at home mother. One morning I applied to Panera and was called 2 hours later for an interview. I went to my interview and was hired on the spot. I would like to think it's because I'm so awesome, but I think it was because they were severely low staffed and needed workers quickly.
I really enjoy working. I thought it would be hard to leave the boys all day, but I love having adult interactions and getting out of the house. The boys don't seem to miss me much, though when I'm gone all day, Cal follows me around the house crying when I finally get home. I work as a cashier. It's a pretty easy, mindless job. People can be so rude, and the place can be packed, but I get a sweet discount and can take pastry items home if we have too many at the end of the night.
As much as I like working, I hope Dan goes back to work soon. He obviously makes way more money than I do. With Christmas rapidly approaching, the money I make quickly disappears for presents. It will be nice to have 2 incomes instead of just a minimum wage one.
So you will be working nights when Daniel goes back to work? How many nights do you think they will schedule you for? Fingers crossed Daniel will get back to work soon!!!!