Monday, November 30, 2015

Crawling, climbing, and standing

Cal has seemed to develop physically very quickly over these last 2 weeks.  One day he is scooting and the next day he's crawling and standing. 

He's been scooting for a couple of months now without any indication of trying to crawl.  He lays on his belly and pushes himself around using his feet and toes.  Finally, the morning after Thanksgiving, he got up on his knees and crawled all over the livingroom like he's been doing it for months.  I was so proud and astonished.  Where did that even come from?

Before he started crawling, he has been pulling himself up onto the chairs, tables, and even Dan and I when we sit on the floor.  There have been lots of falls and bumps and bruises,after climbing.  He could never get to a standing postion. Then other day I was sitting in the chair reading when I looked down and Cal is standing, holding onto the chair, smiling at me.  Silly boy!

Since accomplishing these milestones, thats all he wants to do.  He loves to climb and stand and refuses to play on the floor. There are still lots of falls, but he's getting more stable and can stand for longer.  My baby is growing so quickly. Pretty soon he will be walking and talking.

1 comment:

  1. He is growing so quickly!!!!! Enjoy this baby phase while it lasts! He is so stinking cute!
