Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Last warm days

When the weather is cooperating we head outside to soak up the last warm days of fall.  Cal is finally old enough to play in the play yard and not be confined to the stroller.  He doesn't play with the toys but likes to look around and enjoy the sounds of nature.

Jake loves his cozy coupe.  He pushes it up and down the driveway and recently learned to turn it into tight circles until he falls over from being so dizzy.  Sometimes he will push the car all over the yard.  On those days he sleeps like a champ!  

And then there's Lily and Carrots.  Best buds!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE fall!!!! Looks like the boys enjoyed the great outdoors. I think it's funny how Lily and Carrots get along so well. :)
