Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Georgia- Days 2 & 3

Monday Beth and I had a girls day.  Oh what heaven!  Even though we didn't do much, it was so nice to get away from the kids and shop around the stores with no pressure.  Our first stop was to target to find Cal an outfit for our family pictures.  After browsing, we had a crappy lunch at a crappy Italian restaurant.

Next stop was to hobby lobby.  If you don't know, hobby lobby is a huge arts and crafts store. There are so many items for crafting that it would take hours to look at everything.  We spent quite some time there then came home to watch a girly movie.  

We had yummy steak for dinner, put the kids to bed and talked until we were too tired to stay awake.

Tuesday was boys day, so Beth and I stayed home with the kids while Ben and Dan went to a gun range.  We had fun playing with the kids and talking about everything under the sun.  That night we had BBQ at a delicious restaurant.  After putting the kids to bed we played a couple of board games.

Sorry there are no pictures for these days.  We were way too busy.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Georgia Bound

Last week we visited our sister and brother in law and their 4 kids in Georgia.  We left at 4 am in hopes that the boys would sleep and not freak out for being in the car for 12 hours.  This plan was a success!  Caleb went into some kind of hibernation mode and slept the entire drive.  He didn't even wake when it was time to eat.  

Jake started out well.  We made sure to stop at the rest areas and let him run around and he was content to look out the window and play with some toys I packed.  Half way there he became very antsy and upset.  I pulled out some new toys and it kept him busy until we arrived.  I bought a cookie sheet, magnets, letters, and construction trucks.  He absolutely loved the cookie sheet and magnets.  He loved sticking them on and pulling them off.  When he got tired of that, he played with his trucks in the cookie sheet.  

We arrived at their house a little after 4 pm.  We were so happy to see everyone!! Naturally they cooed at Caleb and Jake hung back to take it all in.  We settled ourselves in and had pizza for dinner.  The kids played while the adults talked until it was bedtime.  

Thursday, September 10, 2015

5 month photo shoot

A day late, but here's my 5 month old handsome boy!

To My Sons

Dear Jake and Cal,

I love you so much.  I love you more than words can express.

But I'm sorry

I'm sorry that I yell at you when I'm frustrated.  I'm sorry I handle you a little too roughly when I'm angry.  I'm sorry I need to take a time out from you when I can't handle the stress.  Im sorry that I let you cry when I'm taking my time out, trying to force daddy to pay attention to you.  I'm sorry I complain when you follow me around like a shadow.  I'm sorry that I ignore you at times when I just want some time to myself.  I'm sorry that daddy would rather play on his iPad then play with you.   I'm sorry for all the things I do that make you sad and cry.

am trying so hard to be a good mom for you.  I want to give you the best and be the best.  My world revolves around you.  I know in a couple of years you will be so much bigger and grown up that you won't need me anymore.  I know I will miss your tight grips and hugs.  I will miss your sloppy kisses.  I will miss your wonder and excitement at new things.  I will miss your zest for life and how happy you always are.  

I enjoy watching you grow and learn.  You boys make me so happy and proud.  I cannot wait for all the fun things we have to look forward to.  I will strive to be more patient and less angry and I will never stop loving you.  

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

State Fair

On Sunday Allison, Jake, and I went to the State Fair.  It was nuts!  There were so many people and so much to see that it quickly became overwhelming.  I was very thankful that most of the events, livestock, and booths were held inside while the rides and food vendors were outside.  We spend most of our time with the animals and the children's area.  

I love taking Jake places and letting him experience the world, but sometimes I wish I could do things without having him tagging along.  There were so many things to do and see but we barely touched it because it didn't interest Jake.  I would have loved to take him on a ride, or browsed the booths.  Maybe when he's older we can stay longer or I won't feel as guilty that he's stuck at home.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

The Next Picasso

Since Jake has taken an interest in using pens and coloring on every surface imaginable, we decided to get him some colored pencils to let him express his creativity.  We didn't want to do crayons because he tends to chew on them and since he favors pens (long and thin) colored pencils have the same shape.

He was very focused and intent on marking the page.  He is a natural lefty, but for some reason uses his right to color.  

Here's the finished product!  He seemed to enjoy making marks and picking out which colors to use.  We keep the paper and pencils in the linen closet and when he wants to color he will run up to it making the "please" sign language motion.  Coloring keeps him busy and entertained for about 10 minutes, the longest I have seen his focus on anything!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

I love Tea(but not the healthy kind)

I have an addiction. I absolutely love Arizona Rx Energy Tea.

My preferred drink is water. I drink it all the time and that's the only beverage I enjoy.  I hate pop because of the carbonation and juices and milk don't quench my thirst like water does.  When Dan introduced this tea to me a couple of years ago I was hesitant, but after the first sip, I was hooked. Now I have a can a day. If I don't, I turn into a raging, moody, b****!  And that's not good for anyone.

Here's my pile since Saturday 

And here's my pile from 6 months until now

Do you have an obsession or addiction to anything?