Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Jealous and hurt

I love my sister.  She is my best friend and is always there for me.  She is great with my boys and knows how to handle them.  But I never see her any more.  

She is in the beginning stages of a new relationship and spends all of her free time with her boyfriend, which is completely normal and I was the same way when I started dating Dan.  It's hard not to get my feelings hurt when she never comes over anymore to see us.  It's also hard not to get jealous when she calls me and tells me all the fun things they do together while I'm stuck at home.  They go out to eat, bowling, the movies, everything. My only excitement is going to the grocery store once a week. I would love to get out of the house and do something fun.

I told myself to give it time, and to realize that it is completely normal for her to want to see him, but I couldn't do it and decided I wouldn't ask her to hang out anymore and to give her space.  To my surprise she called me yesterday and told me we are hanging out sometime this week and it's not a choice.  Just when I tossed in the towel to us hanging out any more, she schedules some time for me! 

I am going to try really hard not to get my feelings hurt.  I know this is exactly how I would behave, but it's hard to not let those negative emotions get the best of me.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you guys have a fun time together! I know from experience how hard it is when someone you love has a hard time fitting you into their life. :(
