Sunday, March 8, 2015

Fresh air

This weekend was beautiful here.  Upper 40s and sunny!  Sad how we consider 40 degrees warm. 

 We played outside most of the weekend. Jake is an outside kind of kid.  I have a feeling he will be outside all summer, which is fine by me! Saturday Dan took Jake out so I could do hard core cleaning, (nesting anyone?) I was able to make the kitchen and bathroom sparkle.    Later in the day Jake and I went for walk.

Today we all went out! Lily had fun playing with her frisbee, Dan was able to shovel the ice off the driveway, Jake fell into lots of puddles and I took pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, 40 for Michigan in winter is not bad!!! Glad you were able to get some cleaning done and have fun outside together!
