Saturday, August 9, 2014

Monthly update

Oh my gosh...... It has been a busy, crazy, couple of weeks.  We have been working very hard on our house. My parents want us in ASAP, and Dan and I can only do so much by ourselves.  My brother has been working everyday, getting a ton of stuff done.  

We have the wall in the kitchen knocked down, the wiring finished, the well almost done, dishwasher and stove installed and cabinets are being sanded and painted.  We should be ready to move in, 4 weeks out.  

I have been super exhausted.  I've work everyday 8-6:30.  I don't have any energy to accomplish the chores that need to be done.  House is a wreak, dishes piled in the sink, piles upon piles of clothes needing to be washed, the list is endless.  I cannot wait til our house is finished and we can finally relax.

Jake is a busy boy.  He is crawling and climbing on everything.  He also got his top 2 teeth in last weekend.  It is amazing how quickly that child is growing!

I will try to get better at blogging, but not much is happening.  Not much worth blogging about.  

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness - I cannot wait to see your new kitchen! I am impressed that you guys took on as much work on your new house as you did - I would not have the time or energy for that! Hope you can relax sometime soon!
