Sunday, March 23, 2014

Babysitting Sundays

Most Sundays my parents watch Jake for us for a couple of hours.  We drop him off around 10 and pick him up around 3.  I appreciate them watching him for us.  It's nice to have a couple of hours alone with Dan, plus get some chores and shopping done.  I don't know how I would make it through the week without taking some time to myself.  I don't know how the moms and dads out there watch their children with no "me time".  I feel for them. It's so nice to have both sets of parents near by for dates or emergency.  Thanks mom and dad for the much needed break!

I wanted to load a video of Jake playing with Grandma, but I cannot for the life of me get it to work.  Stupid video loaders.........

Friday, March 21, 2014

Missing Zappa

Last August, when I was 5 months pregnant, we lost our pomerian Zappa.  Dan let him and Lily out around 6 in the morning, just like he does every morning. Only when he called them in only Lily came back.  He blew our dog whistle and called for him many times (I was still sleeping). Finally he went to go find him.  Dan called up to me to come down and when I did I just fell apart.  Zappa was limp in Dan's arm with blood everywhere.  I tried to ask Dan if we could save him, but by that time my cute fluffy Zappa was gone.  He was barely concious, eyes blank, slow breathing, and low heart rate.  Dan had to get his gun and lay Zappa to rest.  While he was doing that, I hid in the laundry room with the door closed and the drying running, sobbing hysterically to my mom.  Dan was amazing.  He took care of everything.  Cleaned the blood, dug a grave, the works.  I am so amazed that he did it.  I am sure it was extremely difficult.

It took me about a week to finally stop crying every 5 minutes.  I was a mess.  Dan was a mess.  Everything was different.  Our house was empty and lonely.  I kept expecting him to greet me at the door, or sit in my lap while we watched tv.  I loved that dog with all my heart.  He was my baby.  And I was destroyed.  I was on this expecting moms blog and wrote about losing him.  1 of the women on there told me her story about losing her dog while pregnant.  She said that he had a good life and knew he was loved beyond words.  She said that he fullfilled his doggy duty and it was time for him to go. I had to let him go in order to make room in my heart for Jake.  This helped me immensely.  I love Jake.  I cannot imagine my life without him. But I miss Zappa with all my heart.  I think of him all the time.  I know if Zappa were still alive my love for him wouldn't have been at the level it was.  He would have been so jealous of Jake and would have done anything to get my attention.  Maybe even tried to hurt Jake.

At least 2 times a month, I dream of my Zappy.  The dreams are always happy and I wake up with feelings of comfort.  It's like he is letting me know he is okay in doggy heaven and I don't need to worry about him.  We talk about him all the time and remember the silly/stupid things he would do.  I never cry anymore, but I still miss him.  No dog can or will replace him.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Netflix streaming is the greatest

We currently have netflix and I love it.  I love searching for weird movies, updating my que, getting the DVD in the mail and choosing my next movie.  It is such a great idea.  I used to buy movies all the time without knowing a thing about them and half the time I would waste my money.  Now I can watch the movie without having to pay for it!

My family has netflix streaming and by using our wii and their password, we get that also.  I was surprised by the number of movies and tv shows that are available.  We are currently watching 30 rock, and want to watch Lost, Paranormal, Parks and Rec, Breaking Bad and Chuck!  Guess I don't need to pay for satellite anymore!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Here we go again!!

Ok, here we go, here we go again.  I am starting my blog over for a couple of reasons.  My sister in law is an amazing blogger and I am inspired by her to write about my life, also she keeps bugging me to blog ;).  I have two hours everyday while at work and sometimes reading and playing games doesn't cut it.  Plus this is a way for me to get out my frustrations, enjoyments, and a way to "talk, and rant.

I had my first child in December! Jake is a great first baby.  Don't get me wrong, he gets fussy and crabby and demands to be held like all babies, but the majority of the time he is happy and smiley and is content to play on his playmat or in the jumparoo. He is a great eater and already eating me out of house and home.  He sleeps at least 11 hours every night.  I hope my next baby is as great as he is.

I work as a nanny and I absolutely love the family I help.  The 3 year son is autistic and non verbal.  He has 2 therapists that work with him everyday, 2 hours each.  While he is in therapy, I get to relax. Most of the time I help the family out by picking up toys, doing dishes, and helping the 6 year old girl  with homework.