Friday, January 28, 2011

Pity Party Weekend :(

I started my very own book blog. I copied from my sister in law. Its not really for anyone but myself to help me keep track of the books I have read and my thoughts on them. That way when I am in a book slump, I can go back and research authors that I like.

Daniel is going ice fishing in 2 weeks. He leaves Saturday morning and comes back late Sunday night. That means that I have to stay at my house with just dogs to keep me company. At night it gets scary because I think every creak means that the boogey man is in my house to kill me. morbid, I know. The plus side is that I get to order my favorite cake and eat most of it. When I told Daniel that I get my cake because he is leaving me by my onesie, he told me I had to save some pieces for him. You know its a good cake when the non sweet tooth member of the family wants some pieces for himself.

This is the cake from my wedding
I am getting my pity party cake from the some company.

I know that I shouldn't be eating a whole cake by myself just because I am lonely, but my birthday was last weekend and that's my gift to myself. YUM CAKE!!!!!


  1. Your birthday was last weekend??? Since when?

  2. Do I get to see your book blog????

  3. I meant to type that from the future, saying that my birthday was the 6th. It was hard to convey that. its pretty lame... dont read it

  4. I thought your birthday was the 6th... I was really worried when you wrote it was last weekend!

    If you don't want me to look at your book blog, I won't. :(

  5. You can if you want to. Just a warning though.... its not so great.
