I finally have a job!!!! I will be working FULL TIME!!! First ever since working at 16. I will be working at the Learning Tree in South Lyon which is 30 minutes from my house. It is a perfect spot because Dan and I want to live there.
I will be working in the toddler room. It is my first time working with toddlers. I have only worked with preschool. It should be interesting because I dont know as much about them as I do with preschool. Plus they cant do much, so it will keep my days busy and challenging.
Today they sent me to get a physical and a TB test. Naturally I waited an hour and a half, just to see the nurse, who took my vitals (height, weight, eye test, lifting test,) then she gave me the TB test and then the doctor came in and made me retake my blood test because it was too high. I finally left after and hour and a half. After that I had to go to Howell to submit for a background check. If everything pans out by Friday I will start Monday. I hope it does because we are really starting to hurt for money; we currently have none.
I cant wait to get started. Its going to be so fun working with toddlers and the girls I will be working with are really nice and friendly!
Congrats!!! I hope you really like working with toddlers - they can be pretty fun, but a lot of work. I didn't know you wanted to live in Livonia. Do you plan on moving there soon?